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  • Writer's pictureJohn Stanley

Horsing Around

Hello and Happy Spring, everybody! I know it's been a while since my last post. Our lives have been busy, but I'm excited to start putting content out again and getting new items added to the store!

As my daughter's gymnastics season recently ended, we found ourselves with a weekend free. I knew I wanted to take my family out for an adventure, which is something that we haven't done in a while. Often Overlanders say, "It's not about the destination, but more about the trip getting there." Well, our adventure was all about the destination!

Our impromptu trip started after breakfast as we head out toward Southern Kentucky. Our destination was an area just east of Jackson, KY. You might ask, "What's so special about this area?"

The answer is, this...

Yep.. free-roam horses. This area is part of the Appalachian Horse Project.

The AHP is a non-profit group that partners with local officials, landowners, horsemen, and animal lovers to ensure the traditional practice of free-roaming horses continues responsibly.

Since 2014, volunteers with AHP have photo-documented the herds that roam this particular area and have inventoried over 500 horses.

Needless to say, my 7 y/o was beyond excited to see horses that willingly came right up to us. My little guy was a little nervous being around creatures that were so much bigger than him. As long as he was clinging to dad everything was alright!

As you can see, these guys were highly interested in what treats we brought along with us. (Carrots and apples this time!)

As we explored this reclaimed strip-mine, we kept finding more and more horses, just as friendly as the previous ones! It was a real treat for my family to interact with animals that we normally wouldn't get to interact with.

As I can attest first-hand, life has a tendency to speed up the world around us. We get so inundated with our daily routines, that it's easy to take the scenery around us for granted. This little day trip with my family was exactly what we needed to bring the focus back to the things that are important in our lives. The trip there was great, and the destination was exciting, but the memories that I got to make with my family are the icing on the cake!


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