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  • Writer's pictureJohn Stanley

Guest Spotlight - Sir William

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and didn't eat too much turkey! This special guest blog post is a first (hopefully) not last for us around here.

I was lucky enough to be able to talk with Will, aka Sir William from the popular YouTube Channel, Sir William Goes. Will creates great content

around his Overlanding journeys and for me personally, I can relate to his perspective on budget-minded Overlanding. Below is the transcript of our chat.

John: "Thanks for taking the time out of your schedule to chat with me today, Will."

Will: "No problem man, thanks for talking with me!"

John: "Your Overlanding videos are some of my favorites! Overlanding has quickly become the fastest-growing form of modern camping. What sparked your Overlanding interest.?

Will: "The realization that life is too short. In 2010 while working for Toyota I used the term Overland Vehicle to find Truck mods I was interested in. I knew I wanted a capable off-road truck but didn't particularly want what I was seeing on the market. I found a forum called Expedition Portal where I came across a community of "overlanders" from all across the world. These people were traveling all over and they had a heavy focus on trucks and truck mods kinda like car guys that were also travelers, I thought it was amazing!! I then found a forum labeled with current adventures. There was a guy doing a trip across the USA in a Tacoma with very minor upgrades just him, his dog, and bike in this truck with a camper shell. I followed every day as he would post a journal entry with pics of that day's travels!. Soon after I started planning a trip across the USA after becoming enamored with this guy's journey. Life happened and my dream trip was put on the back burner while I chased the golden carrots of life. In 2015 my grandfather passed away and it really kinda hit me that we aren't here forever. Shortly after that, I was in a pretty serious motorcycle accident that almost killed me. I determined at that point, while in the hospital, that I was gonna take that trip and I was gonna do it as soon as I got out of the hospital. I had pretty bad memory loss and short-term memory problems from the accident so I wanted to video the journey just in case my memory got worse."

John: "That is incredible. It's great to see someone take the curveballs that life throws their way and turn them into something positive. Of the trips you have done, what is your personal highlight?"

Will: "I would say that first trip. I was working at Land Rover when I found out that there was a trail that went across the US mostly off-road called the Trans America Trail and they had taken a group of Land Rovers on it so I knew that a Toyota 4Runner would have zero issues! That trip ruined my life, since then I have had an entirely new perspective on life. I had never camped a day in my life and here I took a 5000 mile mostly off-road trail across the US and camped nearly every night!!"

John: "Talk about facing a challenge! I too fell in love with the idea behind the TransAmerica Trail, spent two weeks on the trail over the last couple of Falls, and am absolutely hooked!

John: "What is the worst thing that has happened to you on one of your trips?"

Will: "On that first trip I actually got stuck for almost 2 days on the side of a mountain in the snow. It was a result of bad timing, and lack of knowledge. Definitely a learning experience!!"

John: "I can only imagine! What I love about your videos and your adventures is that you have shown firsthand that a heavily modified vehicle with 40-inch tires isn't necessary for Overlanding. How did you gain confidence in both your 4Runner's capability and your off-road driving skills?"

Will: "I knew that without question the 4Runner would be suitable based on my pretty extensive automotive knowledge. As far as skill, I'd like to say I have always been pretty good at driving. I raced Legend cars when I was younger and being a wheel head driving is just something that I love doing in all disciplines! I also knew that whatever skills I didn't have would improve the more I did it. That all said, I was also confident enough that no one could tell me I didn't have the skills!!!"

John: "How do you plan your next adventure and how do you find the ideal route?"

Will: "Multiple different things go into planning a trip. Usually, it starts by way of me somehow discovering an area, trail, or route by either someone telling me about it or while browsing online. From there it's just research at that point. I really don't make or stick to any kind of plans and my fluidity and tendency to kinda roll with the waves, while aggravating to many, is actually one of the keys to my lifestyle. Being this way allows me to really aimlessly explore different areas I find on a map or as I'm passing through. If I'm just exploring an area that doesn't really have a known route or trail then I will download the maps and just explore by taking different routes and see where they go. I have found some really beautiful places this way. I have also found lots of locked gates, just kinda the luck of the draw!"

John: "My mom always thought there was something wrong with me because I liked to wander about! I guess you could say I was wired for Overlanding at an early age!"

John: "We all know the importance of gear when it comes to Overlanding. Aside from food and water, what would you consider the be the three most important things someone Overlanding (or starting out) should have?"

Will: "First thing is mindset. You have to have the willingness to be adventurous and explore without regard to strict schedules and timelines. As far as items to bring, a First Aid kit is essential, recovery gear is essential, and plenty of beer and food!"

John: "I love that answer! I think most would agree that Overlanding is about the "why" behind the journey as much as the journey itself."

John: "Sometimes getting started is the hardest step. What tips do you have for those who want to start Overlanding but aren't sure where to start or those that are in fact just getting started?"

Will: "I'd say grab yourself some good recovery gear even if it's just a set of ActionTrax, recovery strap, and a shovel. Be sure you have that first aid kit. Pack up some beer and groceries and go on an adventure. After a few short adventures and camping trips, you will start to see what you need and will begin to tweak your setup accordingly. I always like seeing what some people consider to be a priority while on the trail. Everyone has different wants and needs so your rigs setup has to work for what you want and like."

John: "Very sound advice from some who has logged countless miles since your very first trip."

John: "Final question, How has your Overlanding journey and your Influencing affected your life?

Will: "Like I said earlier, it has ruined my life!! For the better though!! It's definitely changed me as a person, I have adopted a much more simple life. I appreciate so many things now that I previously took advantage of and or just didn't pay attention to. A year and a half ago my wife and I sold everything and moved into an RV that we travel all over the US in. I would have never wanted to do this or even thought of doing it if it weren't for Overlanding. The YouTube channel is one of the best things I have ever done. I find joy in the messages I get from folks that tell me I have inspired them to get out or the folks that tell me for whatever reason because of my channel they are able to see things that they wouldn't normally be able to. I have met so many really awesome people from all over the USA and the world really all because of Overlanding and the overland community, it's really mind-blowing every time I think about it!"

John: "Thank you so much for taking time to chat with me!"

If you want to follow along with Will as he embarks on his next epic journey or experience all the awesome places he has been, please be sure to follow him on YouTube (SirWIlliamGoes) and on Instagram (@sirwilliamgoes).


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